Hello. My name is

Keshia 'Keke' Ashby.

I am participating in the Pamper Network's Rule The World NFT Collection. As a participant, PMN has converted some of my images into paintings and cartoon caricatures.  Once converted the images are then transformed into NFTs and made available for sale on top NFT marketplaces. Select the image below to review some of the items in my collection.

Why Did I Select The

Pamper Me Network (PMN) As My NFT Agency?

I selected the Pamper Me Network as my NFT agency for many reasons; however, the most compelling are as follows:

  • Share 50% of genesis (original) NFT sales;
  • Share 50% of lifetime NFT resales on secondary markets.

I must admit though that the #1 reason for selecting PMN is because they are making it EASY, really EASY for a creator like me to make money, even if my NFTs don't sell. For example, as a creator the Pamper Me Network also rewards and assist me in the following way:

  • Payment of $1.00 for each collaborator that works with me to enhance the Rule The World NFT collection (including other models, make-up artists, photographers, hairstylists and other creators);
  • Payment of $1.00 for each of my fans/supporters that sign-up to participate in free NFT airdrops and, or events (podcasts or webinars);
  • $20 to $90 per user as part of its advertising and ecommerce revenue share program as well as its Social Rewards Mining Pool; 
  • Lifetime bonuses when members of my collaboration team sells their NFTs including a percentage of origin sales and lifetime royalties on secondary market sales;
  • Promotion of my own Non-NFT projects throughout the Pamper Me Network;
  • Assistance finding sponsors for my social media page. 

I Am Teaming Up With Creators Like

Mrs. Universe Jamaica, Shannon Green To Help PMN Encourage Collectors To Demand Utility (Value) For Their NFT Investment. Read On To Learn Why.

These NFTs Offer Utility. Does Yours? Keep Reading.


But Before I Answer My Own Question, Let's Address: What Is An NFT? What Is NFT Utility?

Non-fungible tokens aka NFTs are cryptographic assets, or digital records whose unique identification codes and metadata differentiate them from each other. They are placeholders for real-world assets such as artwork and real estate. NFTs are traded online for thousands, hundreds of thousands, even millions of dollars.

NFT Utility is the value or

offering that is attached to an NFT.

NFT utility may include tangible items like digital assets, physical goods, a service, access to events, memberships, and any other perks the creator wants to supply to their customers.


This given is not sustainable. In the months and years to come, most NFTs will become utility nfts as new entrepreneurs and fresh capital enters the space. 


How is the Pamper Me Network's "Rule The World" Interactive NFT Novel Collection unique?

The Pamper Me Network is a webinar, blog and podcast hosting platform. We operate in a highly competitive market filled with well financed hosting companies. We sought a unique strategy to compete.

We quickly realized that

a focus on content monetization would differentiate us

We proceeded to create a rare and a ubiquitous NFT collection and linked each NFT to a unique hosting (social rewards) account on the Pamper Me Network. This strategy allow us to transfer all the benefits a client hosting with us receives to the genesis owner of an NFT and vice-versa. 

We're delivering true utility as the NFT is simply a receipt that authenticates the value you receive from the Pamper Me Network while providing a new source of revenue for hosting clients (NFT sales) & NFT creators (hosting, consulting, ecommerce, royalty management & advertising).

It is quite frankly the MOST UNIQUE and powerful solution for linking the fiat world with the blockchain through the use of NFTs. Read the text to follow to learn why you should purchase a General (rare), King (rare), Queen (rare), Prince (rare), Princess (rare) or Ambassador NFT (ubiquitous) OR partner with us as a creator. 


We're Building A Community Of Collaborative NFT Creators & Marketing Partners

A strong community is one of the most important factors in driving NFT sales. A strong community helps you to generate NFT buzz, encourage community buy-in and serves as a catalyst to drive massive traffic to your NFT collection.


We're the only NFT collection

powered by social rewards technology.

This means that our partners have a financial incentive to promote their NFTs and the broader community including your own assets. You are NOT alone in driving your success. The benefits are huge. They include but are not limited to the following:

  • promotion for your existing business (from podcast to salons);
  • team rewards for driving new NFT and related content collaborations;
  • royalties paid when your NFTs are resold on secondary markets;
  • royalties paid when the NFTs of collaborative partners are sold;
  • royalties paid when supporters engage with Non-NFT content like podcasts, webinars and blogs.

How will we help you sell your NFT as a creator or collector?

Collaboration is the engine that drive NFT success. To generate awareness and NFT sales the Pamper Me Network partners with creators and offer them the reward management & hosting technology they need to add utility or real-world value to their NFTs.


The Success Of The Rule The World NFT Collection

is predicated on our ability to activate collaborative NFT partners

In the weeks and months to come we will announce partnership after partnership with NFT creators that boast great content but lack utility.  From BlacknOut with its 10,000 plus NFT digital assets to BeautyOui and its highly engaged audience of Pinterest and Instagram followers we are onboarding brands, influencers and creators that will play their role in driving adoption of NFTs, cryptocurrencies and social rewards.

This means that once we officially launch July 2022, we will have a scalable platform with network effect that you can leverage to drive sales of your NFTs as well as promote your existing projects or brands.


When you buy or sell an NFT it is linked to a unique social rewards ID assigned to your NFT and social rewards account.

This ID allow us to monitor all transactions directly associated with your account


This technology allow us to reward you & your buyers

with cash & crypto

Royalties and bonuses range from 1% to 2% of country level revenues and up to 50% on hosting, NFT royalties, NFT design fees, direct social rewards membership, license upgrades, advertising, ecommerce and the sale of related products and services.

We will even pay you for helping us to identify other creators whose images we convert into cartoon caricature NFTs and resell on NFT marketplaces. Login to your social rewards dashboard and check your earnings up to the minute.

Creators that launch their own collection earn up to 100% of their NFT genesis and after-market sales; but, must must pay a social rewards licensing fee per NFT minted (so we can support their asset with utility).

We mint limited, rare NFTs and link asset sale reward to our total revenue by country

This exceptional rarity and exclusivity will ensure that your digital asset appreciate in value, year after year after year while your social rewards account generates royalties

Early adopters

receive the biggest rewards & collect royalties even if they sell their NFTs

The Pamper Me Network is rolling out globally with the Rule The World campaign powered by General Ramos and his acolytes.

To support this rollout we are minting a maximum of 2 kings *, 1 queen, 1 prince, 1 princess and 1 general NFTs and assigning each to a different country. Each NFT is custom designed and mimics popular culture and, or the "Rule The World" interactive NFT novel story arch. These NFTs allow early adopters to share a pool of 8% of all the revenues earned by PMN from the country the NFT is assigned to.

As an NFT collector or creator we will market your digital asset in conjunction with the Rule The World campaign.

* Only the U.S market will ever have 2 kings. All other countries will be restricted to 1 king that serves and pays tax to General Ramos, ruler of the world.



What is the General Ramos NFT and what is its significance?

General Ramos is the ruler of the world and as such all he surveys is controlled by him.


General Ramos's NFT

delivers the biggest team

To rule supreme in the "Rule The World' Interactive NFT Novel Universe you require collaboration partners and tax payers. And no other character will have a bigger team than General Ramos.  He may pay you 1% less than King and Queen NFTs; however, all Kings and Queens are acolytes of General Ramos.

They may have the puppet title, but they serve him their benevolent dictator. All Kings, Queens, Princesses, Princes, Generals and Ambassadors must pay tax to General Ramos not unlike a Feudal Lord of medieval times.

In addition to 1% royalties, the owner of the General Ramos NFT also benefit from social rewards royalties of up to 50% on membership, licensing, ecommerce, hosting and advertising revenues earned by PMN and assigned to said NFT.

Only one General Ramos NFT will ever be created. No slight variations. Just one General Ramos.

What are king and queen NFTs and what is their significance?

King and queen NFTs are the highest earning NFTs in the "Rule The World" Interactive NFT novel universe.


King & Queen NFTs

deliver highest value

King and Queen NFTs pay out 2% royalties for the country they are assigned. They are crucial characters in the international deployment of the "Rule The World" interactive NFT novel and will benefit from the greatest amount of collaborations and promotion.

Collaborations and promotion will assist in driving up awareness and in doing so the value of the NFTs as well as the social rewards accounts assigned to them.

In addition to 2% royalties, King and Queen NFT owners also benefit from social rewards royalties of up to 50% on membership, licensing, ecommerce, hosting and advertising revenues earned by PMN and assigned to said NFT.

The initial King level NFT characters are King Misunderstood and King Progress. Additional characters will be announced for all countries participating in the "Rule The World" interactive nft novel.

What are Prince, Princess and General NFTs and what is their significance?

Ambassador NFTs are real people, fictional characters and, or collectors whom are working with the Pamper Me Network and General Ramos to promote cryptocurrency, NFT and social rewards adoption globally.


Prince, Princess

& general NFTs

Prince, Princess and General NFTs payout 1% royalties for the country they are assigned. They are secondary characters in the international deployment of the "Rule The World" interactive NFT novel and will benefit from secondary collaborations and promotion.

Collaborations and promotion will assist in driving awareness and correspondingly the value of the NFT as well as the social reward account assigned to them.

In addition to 1% royalties, Prince, Princess and General NFTs owners also benefit from social rewards royalties of up to 50% on membership, licensing, ecommerce, hosting and advertising revenues earned by PMN and assigned to said NFT.

Prince, Princess and General NFT characters will be announced for all countries participating in the "Rule The World" interactive nft novel 30 days after project launch.

What are ambassador NFTs and what is their significance?

Ambassador NFTs are real people, fictional characters and, or collectors whom are working with the Pamper Me Network and General Ramos to promote cryptocurrency, NFT and social rewards adoption globally.


King, queen, prince

princess & general NFTs

are rare. However, there can be an unlimited number of still and motion Ambassador NFTs linked to Pamper Me Network VIP, Silver and Gold memberships (licenses).  Collaboration partners whom have commissioned their own custom Ambassador NFT are entitled to 50% of NFT sales, 50% of secondary market royalties and up to 50% of social rewards membership, hosting, advertising, ecommerce and related revenue assigned to their social rewards ID.

They also receive their own head shot NFT with their Silver Social Rewards License/Membership and a full body NFT with their Gold Social Rewards License/Membership.

For example, show your support for Shannon Green, Mrs. Universe Jamaica by purchasing her Ambassador NFT or any Ambassador NFT designed in collaboration with a top influencer, artist, celebrity and related creator.

© 2016 Pamper Me Network. All Rights Reserved. Design & Development by Pamper Me Network. Monetization platform for your podcast, blog or webinar. Powered by Etherscan.io APIs. Mastodon