
Through the perspectives of experiencers, way-showers, multi-dimensionals and intuitives; this podcast discusses our multidimensional nature and how we can discover who we really are beyond our physical body. Topics will also discuss the existence of other worldly beings; that many of them want to help us, not only with our awakening journey & sovereignty, but with creating peaceful interspecies relations. The awakening journey and the remembrance of who we are serves many purposes beyond our planet. 


Beverly has been on her awakening journey at a young age without even knowing it. She loved asking mind-expanding questions to anyone who would listen. As a kid, she would ask her father ‘what’s bigger than the Universe?’ or ‘if Earth just disappeared, would we teleport to another reality.’ or ‘what if this life is really just a game’ Her bookshelf since before her teens was full of personal development/spirituality books. 

Questioning what’s after ‘death’ was never an issue for Beverly as a child and has always thought there were other beings around us that we cannot see. Her on-going curiosity led her into the area of energy medicine and holistic well-being learning homeopathy and other modalities. Her love of the quantum Universe and business etiquette has also connected her to working with like-minded entrepreneurs.  

Currently, she is also a student at LightBody Academy, a community that guides others to their multi-dimensional nature to discover who they really are through experiential explorations. 

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