
Historically, podcast monetization can be broken down into two categories. They include the following:

  • Payment by your audience;
  • Payment by sponsors.

At the Pamper Me Network, we have created another category:

That's right. The Pamper Me Network is the ONLY podcast hosting platform that will pay you for the following:

  • $1.00 for each listener that signs up to support your free or premium podcast, livestream or webinar;
  • $1.00 for each podcaster that signs up to collaborate with you as a guest speaker;
  • $1.00 for each affiliate or influencer that signs up to share your podcast, livestream or webinar with their followers;
  • $1.00 for each podcaster that signs up to publish his/her podcast in the PMN podcast discovery directory;
  • Quarterly, annual and lifetime bonuses for building your fan network;
  • Up to 50% of net commissionable earnings generated by users assigned to your team (Paid on social rewards membership, hosting and content sales).


Already have a podcast & webinar host? That's ok.
Simply create a PMN account and submit your Podcast's RSS feed & webinar video / audio feed.


Get discovered, expand distribution, find collaborators, recruit affiliates and make more money. Choose PMN as your podcast host, webinar host or blog host now.


The Pamper Me Network, makes it easy, viral and transparent.
From contests to blogs, podcasts to webinars, the Pamper Me Network is 100% committed to helping you enhance your relationships with your supporters. Let us host your projects and provide your supporters with the tools they need to share, everywhere. You receive exposure and a new source of revenue. Your supporters are rewarded for helping you succeed.


Get your podcast & blog started in minutes. Share your landing page with your followers and earn $1.00 for every listener and reader that engages plus up to 50% of membership and Podcast Creator hosting revenues.

For more information please visit

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User reward for sharing this opportunity

Every year billions of people leverage social media networks to share content and build their fan network. Unfortunately, most people or online marketers dont realize any financial return from the countless hours they spend on social media networks, until now.

Now for the first time you can monetize the podcasts, webinars and even blog posts you create and share.

This powerful new content reward system allow both you as well as this creator to earn the following cash and related rewards.

Website Rewards: $1 per referral
Membership Revenue Share: Yes
Ticketing Revenue Share: Yes
Advertising Revenue Share: Yes
E-commerce Revenue Share: Yes
Creator Rewards: None
Creator Opt-In Link: Login To Access
Compensation Offered By Creator: None