
The TON Bounties program stands as a beacon of opportunity within the Open Network Foundation's ecosystem, offering a platform for individuals to showcase their talents and contribute to the advancement of the TON blockchain. This open community initiative fast-forwards support for valuable contributions that enrich the TON ecosystem, rewarding and empowering builders, developers, and creators alike.

Supporting Talent and Innovation:

The TON Bounties program is a testament to TON's commitment to supporting talent and innovation. By rewarding valuable contributors, the program provides opportunities for hundreds of builders to test their skills, deepen their knowledge, and actively participate in the growth of the TON ecosystem.

Community Initiatives:

The bounty program covers a wide array of community initiatives, including:

  • Contributions to Developers Tooling and Frequently Used Smart Contracts.
  • Community Tools Development.
  • Creating Educational Materials.
  • Enhancing Onboarding Resources.

Guidelines for Participation:

The process for participating in the TON Bounties program follows a structured set of guidelines to ensure transparency and efficiency. Here's an overview of the key stages:

1. Ideation Stage:

Propose a bounty task by opening a GitHub issue, choosing a proper category, and providing a descriptive title.
Fill in the necessary GitHub issue fields and publish the proposal for community review and feedback.

2. Review Stage:

Community members can comment, discuss, and suggest changes to the proposed bounty task, ensuring its relevance and importance.
The TON Bounties committee regularly reviews proposals, labeling them as approved or closing them if not approved.

3. Task Assignment and Completion:

  • Once a bounty task is approved, it's ready for implementation but requires assignment to an executor.
  • Potential executors propose plans of implementation, reward size, and submission deadlines, awaiting assignment by the committee.

4. Deliverables Submission:

  • Executors execute the bounty task and submit their deliverables via a Questbook proposal.
  • Submissions undergo review by community members and the TON Bounties Committee for validation.

5. Reward Distribution:

Upon confirmation of deliverables, contributors receive their bounty rewards, paid in TON, along with TON Bounty SBT (Support, Bounty, and Trust).
Open Corresponding Bounties Programs:

For more targeted contributions, TON offers specialized bounties programs such as:

  • DevTooling Bounties.
  • Education and Resources Bounties.


The TON Bounties program serves as a testament to the power of community-driven innovation, providing a platform for individuals to contribute meaningfully to the TON ecosystem while being duly rewarded for their efforts. Through transparency, collaboration, and a commitment to excellence, TON continues to foster a vibrant and thriving community of builders and developers. Join the TON Bounties program today and be a part of shaping the future of decentralized finance.

For submission guidelines please visit

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Ticketing Revenue Share: Yes
Advertising Revenue Share: Yes
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Creator Rewards: None
Creator Opt-In Link: Login To Access
Compensation Offered By Creator: None