
  • Omniverse
Omniverse Audio2Face is a reference application that simplifies the animation of a 3D character to match any voice-over track, using generative AI.

Audio2Face is preloaded with a 3D character model that can be animated with the audio track.

Audio2Face will be able to process any language easily, and it can animate the character's emotions in the wink of an eye. The latest update enables blendshape conversion and also blendweight export options, and the app now supports export-import with Blendshapes for Blender and Epic Games Unreal Engine.

Omniverse Audio2Face can be used for interactive real-time applications or as a traditional facial animation authoring tool. It allows users to swap characters on the fly, dial up or down the level of facial expression on each face, and batch output multiple animation files from multiple audio sources.

It can run multiple instances of Audio2Face with as many characters in a scene as users like.