Tags: OpenAI

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AI ChatLab

The AI ChatLab is an all-in-one app that includes advanced NLP tools like OpenAI ChatGPT, YouChat, and Uminal for answering questions, generating text, language translation, writing code, and more. It also includes AI-powered search bots, Lexii, Komo, ...

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AI Chat Bestie

AI Chat Bestie is a tool that enhances ChatGPT's UI and offers faster responses by directly connecting to the OpenAI API. It allows users to stay connected without logging in, search through their chat history, and access their chat history anytime as all ...

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ChatGPT for Youtube

ChatGPT for Youtube is a free Chrome Extension that provides access to the summary of YouTube videos. The extension utilizes the capabilities of ChatGPT, a language model developed by OpenAI, to generate a text summary of a video and help users quickly un ...

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Browse AI is a platform that provides a solution to extract and monitor data from any website without coding. With Browse AI, you can create a robot in just two minutes and start extracting specific data from any website in the form of a spreadsheet. ...

Category:Data Extraction
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AI Assistify

AIssistify is an AI-powered HubSpot automation tool that uses OpenAI's GPT-4 model to assist B2B marketing, sales, and RevOps teams in creating content and automating tasks. It helps with outbound campaigns, inbound campaigns, content marketing, SEO, web ...

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Casper AI

Casper is an AI-powered Chrome extension that simplifies the workflow of knowledge workers by summarizing articles, generating content, and providing insights. It utilizes OpenAI's GPT's newest models to streamline tasks such as staying informed about ne ...

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Auto-GPT is an experimental, open-source Python application that uses GPT-4 to act autonomously. It can perform a task with little human intervention and can self-prompt. For example, it can self-produce every prompt necessary to complete a task if you te ...

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