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The Power Of Crowd Funding

  • Teacher: Build Collaborate
  • Released: 2018-10-13 21:38:46
  • Level: Beginner
  • Duration:
  • Price: $ 49.99
Free for members


Build Collaborate

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Plan Name Price
1 Year: $ 49.99


Crowd funding is a once in a lifetime opportunity for just about anyone to raise money he or she needs to finance a business, an event, music, films or any other idea. The industry has grown from $2.7 billion in 2012 to $34.5 billion in 2015 and is expected to grow to $96 billion by 2025.

Its rapid growth is helping hundreds of thousands of people and entrepreneurs to pay off bills or realize their dreams—and help many crowd funding portals to pockets hundreds of millions of dollars in transaction fees.

In fact, there will be more than 2,000 crowd funding sites to choose from by 2016—and the industry will soon surpass venture capital and angel investing as the #1 form of funding for small businesses allowing more than 250 million Americans to participate and invest for the first time under new equity crowd funding laws.

Table of Contents

What Is Crowd Funding?
Good and Bad News About Crowd Funding
How To Design and Implement A Successful Crowd Funding Campaign
Why Crowd Funding Portals Not Embraced Affiliate Marketing
Crowd Funding Resources
Quiz Status
What Is Crowd Funding?
Good and Bad News About Crowd Funding
How To Design and Implement A Successful Crowd Funding Campaign
Why Crowd Funding Portals Not Embraced Affiliate Marketing
Crowd Funding Resources
Free for members
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