Tags: music creation

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AIVA is an AI-powered tool that assists independent game developers, novice music creators, and professional composers to compose music quickly and efficiently. It provides preset styles and influences to generate music in a variety of genres, includi ...

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BeatBox AI is an AI tool that enables users to create custom songs and beats without any prior musical knowledge. It uses machine learning algorithms to generate music based on users' inputs, such as genre, mood, and instruments. The tool allows users ...

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Boomy AI is an AI music generation tool that allows users to create original songs in seconds, without any prior music-making experience. Users can submit their songs to streaming platforms and get paid when people listen to them. Boomy AI also ha ...

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Cassette is a music creation tool that uses advanced machine learning algorithms to analyze music patterns, styles, and trends to generate unique and high-quality beats. It enables musicians and producers of all skill levels to create high-quality, ro ...

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