Tags: video editing

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The AI-powered creator studio, Captions, is a camera and editing app that transcribes, captions, and clips your talking videos automatically. With just one tap, you can record your video, and your words will appear as captions on screen, timed to your vo ...

Category:Social Media
0 reviews
Aug X Labs

Aug X Labs is an AI-driven startup that aims to democratize video creation by turning words into compelling and engaging videos through its AI-based platform. The company has a team of builders who develop real, shippable applications and services for th ...

Category:Video Editing
0 reviews
Podcastle AI

Podcastle is a web-based platform that offers studio-quality recording, AI-powered editing, and seamless exporting for audio and video content. It features multi-track recording, audio transcription, intuitive editing tools, text-to-speech conversion, Ma ...

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